ARTICLES: The Powerful Secret of the Moon in Your Horoscope - Known Once can Take You to a Different Level all together. Read.. Unlock.. Fly

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जप से तप -चंद्र ठप- ख़ामोशी से तबाही
A Few Days back I shared some astrological pointers about the Moon.
Moon is a Happy Planet but makes countless astrological combinations that only a few learned Astrologers can handle, tap or rectify.
When I make the Gem Recommendation or suggest a remedy all these are taken into account.
Now one such combination is called as the "KEMDRUM Dosha".
It simply means that there are no planets in either of the houses next to moon- No Planets in 2-12 house to the moon.
Moon is a gregarious happy planet and this position makes it LL- Lonely & Lost.
I call this position as
जप से तप -चंद्र ठप- ख़ामोशी से तबाही
J: Jiya Khali- The Heart Is Empty
P: Pocket Khali- The pocket in Empty
S: Sej Khali- One half of bed is empty
Tap Khali: All austerities observed & practiced are empty
All 4 above point to a malefic and exhausted moon.
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In this case it refers to the severe affliction of the divine feminine- Shakti and generally the first symptom is disturbed relationship with one's own mother or mother like figures.
Generally the house from which Kemdrum Yoga is getting manifested will have results particular to that house.
Moon needs a leader/ guide- The planet in the house in front of the Moon and Moon needs a backer/ supporter- The planet posited in the house behind the Moon.
The best practical remedy for Kemdrum Moon position is to get STRONG Leader and a STRONG Backer.
Unless this is rectified no remedy, no gem and no planet will give fully optimized results.
The best way to start is to contemplate on Mother Bhuvaneshwari for 2 minutes 20 seconds with the following Dhyan Mantra:
Mahamayaam Sooryamandalaroopi
neem Namami
Kamakhyaroopineem Shivam
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The Horoscope is controlled by Tridevis:
- Lakshmi
- Durga
- Kali
99% of the horoscopes are controlled either by Durga / Kali. See the picture and identify which is the dominant power.
Going to the next level:
Form of the Mother when the Moon is placed in:
Aries-Chamunda- Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vicche
Taurus- Durga (Rahu Mulatrikona)
Gemini- Durga (Rahu exaltation)
Cancer- Kali (natural house of Kali)
Leo- Kali
Virgo- Durga
Libra- Kali
Scorpio- Kali (Ketu own sign)
Sagittarius- Kali (Ketu exaltation)
Capricorn- Kali
Aquarius- Durga and Her alone (Rahu’s own sign)- darkest sign of the zodiac (where the ghosts are)
Pisces- Kali (Mulatrikona of Ketu)
The following 8 forms of Shakti are to be invoked to destroy the Kemdrum.
Method and Modality depends on individual Moon Position
Chaṇḍa– Wrathful
Chamūṇḍa– Destroyer of confused heart and confused head
Chaṇḍanayika– Fierce heroine
Ati-caṇḍa– Vehemenence (exceedingly violent or fierce)
Chaṇḍavati– Enraged (having violence/anger)
Chaṇḍroga– Furious (broken by anger/passion)
Prachaṇḍa– Terrible (excessively violent)
Ugrachaṇḍa– Brutal (wrathful anger)
Now before in your glorious head you start fixing planets with remedies fix your Moon first. See powerful images in this post and start your journey.
There is a lot of difference between Durbhagya and Abhagya.
Not having guidance is Durbhagya.
Have a Guide and still not acting is Abhagya.
A few days back I was going to fix a sanctum sanctorum.
That offer was not taken up- Such is the nature of the mother. She sits on the head and drops a veil- Over the eyes and the mind.
Mira ko Radha Nahi Ban Na Chahiye or Radha ko Rukmini Nahi.
Listening to the sound energy of this song will put a healing salve to your moon and make it ready to get into Saubhagya- Good Fortune.
Have a beautiful day ahead
And Next time an ignorant asks what happens in Gem Report- Send them to this post.
Bada Aaya Nakkara Samajhdar.
Chaliye Aap KA BP down Kar Dete hai. Listen:
All this information is not in books or youtube. Guru Banao- Jaldi- Chalo.
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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
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“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
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