ARTICLES: The 9 Kinds of Wives as per Horoscope and Karma - How to Break Free from Karmik Debt - Revered and Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

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The 9 Kinds of Wives- What Kind of Wife is one and what Karma She has to Discharge.
If your perception of Astrology is Men are from Mars ... etc and Linda Goodman then this post is not for you.
Also this post is not for you if you make the seeker lost in useless calculations and inane astrological rules to impress them.
The Mars Venus and Mars Jupiter combinations have profound implications on marital life.
These can transform and punish this august relationship and unless remedies are undertaken the status quo remains- read unhappiness in this life and the next.
These can occur due to conjunctions, associations, aspects, being in each other’s signs.
Men can imbibe women like character and vice versa. Both horoscopes influence each other.
Since the Navaratra is in operation we shall speak about the 9 types of wives due to these combinations. The Word- "Bharya" in Sanskrit means wife. I will give one example- others you must think and contemplate.
Vadhak Bharya: Akin to an assassin. Does not live happily with her husband. Disparages and discourages him and thinks of Destroying him. She will negate all his initiatives.
Dominant and domineering wife: Does not perform her duties towards him. Especially does not cook in the kitchen and does not have the fortune of cooking for him or feeding him. Debates his every step and likes to dominate him. In case of associations with Rahu can become foul mouthed and quarrelsome.
The Thief: Squanders Husband's earning and wealth in things that are useless. Here I would like to give an example: A wife saving money for children without knowledge of Husband looks Oh so grandiose and emotionally proper in a movie but in real life the Karma will classify it as Thieving.
The Mother: Attends to his needs and ensures that his earned wealth is not squandered
The Sister: She is gentle and reverential and behaves as if a younger sister will behave with an elder brother. Gentleness is her ornament.
The Comrade: She changes her mood and outlook to suit her husband's needs and understands that he needs rest and motivation to fulfil his role as a provider and protector. She has fine manners and shares her Husband's feelings and thoughts.
The Servant: She lives under his thumb and passively will endure even beatings and abuse.
Navaratri The Sacred 9 Nights of the Divine Feminine & Gems Consecration with Guruji Shrii Arnav
3 Things:
- None of these are ideal situations and show severe Karma that needs remedial action to course correct whatever conjugal life is left in present birth and the next.
- There are total 81 kinds of wifes and same for Husbands. These 9 are the foundational layer that will cover at least 75% of relationship classifications.
- Association of other planets has the capacity to change the classification.
And Yes
Every Female has Durga but also Pisachini or Bhairavi etc. One has to be careful regarding what is one expressing. All these positive or negative are parts of the Divine Mothers.
To acquire the Favours of "Mahamaya" one has to be "Maha" too till then being a regular Bhakt or Sevak is enough. Do not unleash or open a power that one cannot handle.
What works is lost- A few days I was sharing live in Humans of Gemstoneuniverse About why Ma Kali is invoked in Cremation ground- Sigh- It remains in a dead environment in a dead cremation ground - tech all it NAS- Sigh.
On an appropriate day I will share the 12 Husband types.
12*9=108 (The complete Divinity)
Important: Complicated Gets A new meaning if there is a mix or expression of 2 or more types in the above 9.
A Generic Remedy for All: On Ashtami Day- This year it falls on 29th March Buy 9 Bangles as per ones financial condition and apply asht gandh on them. Just a tilak is enough.
The Asht Gandh consists of: Chandan, Kesar, Bhimseni Camphor, Tulsi, Bel, Heena, Agar & Durva & combined with Gangajal .
Go to a Durga (Durga only- No other family deity) , Pray for a blissful partnership and offer these bangles to Ma Durga and come back and chant the beeja Mantra " Hreem" for 108 times.
I pray that in the bitter- sweet relationship between Husband and Wife henceforth the "Sweetness Quotient " is more in proportion.
Gem Therapy Remedy: Leveraging both Yellow Sapphire and Diamond Together in an optimum proportion.
God Bless You.
May you Heal and May you be healed.
It is what it is- there is no right or wrong. Staying true to one’s own traditions has many advantages.
From Milk comes the 9 Avasthas:
- Doodh
- Dahi
- Ghee
- Chach
- Paneer
- Lassi
- Khoya
- Mattha
- Makkhan
Now you choose. Samjhe Ki Nahi..
Nahi Samjenge
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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
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