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Buy Emerald Gemstone Online
Natural Emerald Gemstone
Buy Emerald (Panna) Stone Online, Best Quality Natural Emeralds Per Carat at Best Price. | Gemstoneuniverse.com
All About Emerald Gemstone from the world’s leading authority in Jyotish Gemstones-Gemstoneuniverse
Introduction to Emerald and Facts:
The word emerald has been derived from the Greek word ‘Smaragdus’ meaning ‘Green Gem’. The stone is also popular with the name ‘Panna’ in India. Emerald is one of the precious gemstone appearing green in color and formed via the approximate composition of different elements (including Beryllium Aluminium Cyclosilicate).
The Emerald gemstone even combines the traces of Chromium and Vanadium, and finally known with the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. The stone appears under the Cyclosilicate category, i.e. these are the rock-forming hard materials that combine to build most of the rocky earth’s crust. Emerald gemstone is kept under the category of four most precious stones including the diamond, ruby, and sapphire.
Colombia is a country where about 50% of the world’s supply gets handled. The country even authenticates the quality of the Emerald stone for long term businesses with different countries. About 30 other countries handle the supply of Emerald including the United States, China, Switzerland, and others. The locations where the huge quartz deposits exist are assumed to hold the greatest deposit of the Emerald stones as well.
• The genuineness of Emerald is measured with the purest verdant green hue as well as the greatest degree of transparency.
• The gemstone is renowned to appear as the birthstone for May month. The gemstone suits the most to the individuals having the sun signs including Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
• The stone weighs in between 7.5-8.0 in the Mohs scale of measuring the hardness.
• The oldest Emerald gemstone is assumed to be mined in Egypt around 1500 BC. It was supposed to be the favorite Gem of Queen Cleopatra.
• The Emerald gemstone appears with a lower density in comparison to the diamond. As compared to diamond, 1-carat emerald will appear larger. It is even costlier than diamonds in some cases.
• Some popular Emerald stone categories include Duke of Devonshire Emerald, Gachala Emerald, Chalk Emerald, Bahia Emerald, Patricia Emerald, Mogul Mughal Emerald, and the Emerald of Saint Louis.
• The largest uncut Emerald is Duke of Devonshire Emerald that weighs around 1,383.93 carats in total.
Benefits of Emerald:
Emerald helps increase the creativity and the level of imagination of the individuals. Emerald is the gemstone of Planet Mercury that rules communication, business, and finance, imagination, writing and accounting skills. It is also responsible for effective speech. Wear a fine Jyotish Quality Emerald can enhance all these skills sets substantially,
• Emerald gemstone is suitable for the professionals working in all the domains.
• There remains the possibility of financial growth and amazing vitality for the wearers.
• The individuals working in the field of banking, music, government services, judiciary, architectural fields, auditing, share market, finance, bookkeeping, writing, media, journalism, teaching, and business are most benefited by the stone’s energy.
• The emerald stone is worn under the lordship of Lord Buddha who is considered the chief cause of promoting wisdom and awareness. The stone boosts up the intellect inside us, and even helps students preparing for the toughest competitive examinations.
• The emerald stone results positively in boosting up the individual’s oratory skills. The wearer feels confident in delivering the speeches publically and attracting the masses.
• The emerald gemstone helps regain physical ailments. It even maintains the appropriate physical balance in the individuals.
• This magical stone proves beneficial in the permanent removal of skin diseases, speaking inabilities, speech delivering skills, and another critical physical drawback inside the wearer.
• Emerald stone improves the bond of love between the relationships and makes the bond strengthened. The young bachelors looking for a suitable match gets is made possible by wearing the emerald stone.
• Emerald stone is supposed to reduce the anxiety and mental stress like situation.
• Pregnant women need not face unbearable pain in the labor room while child delivery procedures.
• The friendship like relation is maintained among the marriage partners and the business partners.
• The Emerald stone effectively deals with nervous troubles and respiratory problems.
• The emotional imbalance gets healed up with the stone in no time. The persons feeling emotionally broken can recover their scars after having the Panna stone.
• Emerald is popular to have the antidote strength against the deadly poisons.
• The Emerald stone brings back the lost fortune and makes your identity glow with global appreciation
• The stone seems magical in boosting the concentration power and memorizing the things easily.
• For a comprehensive discussion of top 10 benefits of the benefic Emerald Gemstone please click here.
Physical Properties of Emerald Gemstone (Panna):
The hue of Emerald gemstone appears green, ranging in between the bluish-green to yellowish-green. The stone appears shiny and makes anyone feel refreshing at first glance.
This green gemstone is Beryl i.e. beryllium aluminum silicate, and popular with the chemical formula Be3Al2Si6O18. It forms about 90% part of the earth’s crust, and considered under the Cyclosilicate group.
The initial greenish hue is due to the presence of the elements named Chromium and Vanadium. The crystals of emerald appear hexagonal. Only after a particular shade of Green is achieved that the Beryl can be called as Emerald. Be careful of ordinary beryl being sold as precious Emerald. To know more about this and to guard yourself please click here.
The specific gravity of the Emerald stone is 2.72 to 2.80. The hardness of the stone measured in the Moh’s scale of rating is 7.5 to 8.0. The stone is extremely soft in comparison to the Sapphire and Ruby.
The emerald exposes the appearance similar to the glass objects. Instead the stone has an amazing hardness. It appears cool, attractive, shiny, and transparent with greenish appearance.
For Physical properties, chemical properties and how to take care of Precious emerald Gemstone please click here.
Who Should Wear Emerald?
Emerald holds the positive effects of Mercury and empowers the wearers involved in the field of communication, education, business, intuition, intelligence, and several others.
Anyone wanting to boost effects of Mercury in their horoscope should wear Emerald stone. The priority factor is to visit the astrologer and ask for the needful suggestions before wearing the precious and super-powered gemstone. The sun signs including Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Lord Mercury, and hence wearing this gemstone will prove beneficial for all such individuals.
Exceptionally, it even does not matter what sun sign the specific individuals have. Moreover, wearing the Emerald gemstone depends upon the planetary conditions in the individual’s horoscope. The minute study process by the astrologers or an expert Astro Gemologist helps them suggest this stone accordingly.
The persons having a lack of concentration and speaking ability, misfortunes, insomnia, facing cheats, and frauds, along with consistent unsuccessful life situations can go with this stone. The person suffering from failures, instability, depression, can also wear the emerald stone and change their lifestyle.
The students, despite extraordinary efforts, fail to crack the competitive examinations, can also wear this gemstone. It will boost the concentration level, sharpen the memory, and makes anyone fortunate towards the hardest life struggles. Ultimately, the wearer can get magical success within the shortest period. The astrologer’s suggestion is mandatory in all the cases before proceeding to wear this stone. For mercury positions in the horoscopes that warrant wearing of Emerald Gemstone in detail as per various ascendants please click here.
Quality of Emerald:
Similar to the grading system for all the precious gemstones, the quality of emerald is even monitored accordingly. Natural AAA, Natural AA, and Natural A are the different grading categories for Emerald also used by some in trade by some commercial quality emeralds however this is NOT a universal grading system nor accepted worldwide uniformly as just analysis of colour alone in an Emerald is a herculean task. It is advisable not to follow this system and assess cut, colour, clarity, carat weight, origin, lack of treatment etc independently like a professional or an independent gem professional. This is been given here for academic reasons and so that the users are aware of this system.
Natural AAA category is the best available quality of Emerald stones being rich green and exposing extreme brilliance at first sight. Natural AA appears medium green in appearance with moderate inclusions. Finally, Natural A emerald appears opaque and deep green. They are inferior in quality.
The emerald mined from the Columbia origin is the best in terms of hue, appearance, color, clarity, and strength. The tonal grades are another factor in determining the stone’s quality. Very light, light, medium-light, medium, medium-dark, dark, and very dark are the different tones of the stone.
The expert considers the acceptable stone colors ranging from the medium dark to very dark in color. Their refractive index, specific gravity, and overall appearance in terms of originality appear perfect.
To know about the sacred colour shades in effective Jyotish Emeralds please click here.
To know about importance of colour shades in Jyotish Gemstones please click here.
How to Identify Fake Emerald:
There can be the following list of steps to identify the fake emerald gemstone:-
One should be very wary of the emeralds with little or no flaws at all. The fake emerald or synthetics will have no inclusions at all in comparison to the original one. To know more about the minimum effective clarity level for Jyotish purposes please click here.
The original emerald reflects the bluish-green hue in comparison to the fake emerald reflecting the yellowish, or the brownish tone. If one does not access to sophisticated testing equipment to distinguish genuine emeralds one may use the basic Chelsea filter test. To know more please click here.
The original emerald gemstone never sparkles at all with fire. In the case of the stone sparkles, you can may consider it to be fake and engage in further testing, and made up of some duplicate materials.
The original emerald’s physical property makes it unique in comparison to the fake ones. Its hardness is measured 7.5 to 8.0 in the Moh’s scale of measurement. However, the duplicate or the fake emerald will never appear hard after wearing it.
Original emerald stone is expensive in comparison to the fake ones. The fake stones, being made up of glass, or other synthetic fabric will be too cheap to wear.
The original emerald gemstone will be available for sales only with the authentic sellers. They will never sell the fake stones and make you available the certificate of originality also.
Tips to Buy Emerald Gemstone:
We must diagnose the emerald stone based on color, cut, clarity, and carat. Only after getting in-depth satisfaction concerning the preferred ratio, one must move towards initiating a purchase.
Rather than opting for the dark-toned stones, it is advisable to purchase the stone in pure deep green to the shades of bluish-green. Also, go through the emerald cut, and other small marks during the purchases. During the mining processes, the stone carries small fractures as they are extremely brittle and hard to cut stones.
There may be visible inclusions inside the stone. It is generally difficult to find the emerald without any inclusions. However, the crystal clear appearance must never get affected. It should appear transparent rather than being opaque.
Moreover, the emerald stone’s hue, tonal color, strong saturation, appropriate carat weight, mines location, and purchasing the stone from the trustworthy sellers are the vital factors to initiate the purchase.
Most importantly, after investment, do ask for the genuine certificate of purchase from the seller explaining the originality of the stone. Go ahead, and purchase with confidence.
Finger and Ring Metal to Wear Emerald:
• The emerald gemstone should be worn on the little or the ring finger of the working hand. The ring metal should be preferably Gold or Silver, to showcase the entire versatility and improve the energy boost.
• The minimum weight of the stone should be 3.25 carats. The ideal weight of the stone should vary in the range of 3-7 carats. The ring should be made in a manner that it can touch the wearer’s skin.
The auspicious wearing time of the ring is Wednesday at the sunrise.
• The stone is advisable to be placed inside the metal bowl. Things like Ganga Jal, Tulsi Leaves, Honey, Unboiled Cow’s Milk, and Ghee should be placed inside the bowl one by one.
• It is mandatory to energize the ring by reciting the beej mantra of Lord Mercury ‘Om Brahm Breem Braum Sah Budhaye Namah’.
• Keep on praying the lord for the betterment in life and receive the blessings.
• These are generic guidelines and need not be followed if the Emerald has undergone a full fledged Vedic Consecration process.
Price of Emerald and Where to Buy Emerald:
Emerald( Panna Stone) Stone Price range starts at around ₹ 500 ($ 7.5) per carat for junk commercial quality rejected stones at the bottom of the Gem Pyramid such as the stones traded in Rattis in India especially from African Mines/ Zambian Mines or Joban Oiled Emeralds primarily sold in India. Good quality Emeralds will start around US ($) 500/ INR 37500 for minimally treated Gemstones per carat depending on cut, colour, clarity, carat weight, origin etc.
For detailed discussion on Emerald Price please access: Emerald Stone Price per carat.
Most Emeralds undergo treatments to improve clarity the most common being oil. To know more about Emerald Gemstone Treatments especially Oil Treatments in Emeralds and acceptable treatments in Jyotish Quality Emeralds please click here.
Despite the numerous online and offline availability, gemstoneuniverse.com commits you to provide the best quality emerald at affordable rates. Just order your requirement online via placing the order at our website gemstoneuniver.com. Go ahead in choosing the required category of emerald, let us know your requirements including preferred stone weight in carats. Place your order, and allow us a few days to deliver at your doorstep.
The natural Colombian origin emerald having 2.26 carats of weight is available just at $1426.46 / INR 77,399.72. The average price of Columbian origin Emerald starts at Rs. 3500-Rs.4500 per carat and goes around Rs. 50000-Rs.60000 per carat. Depending upon the preferred carat, the price of the stone goes high or low as per the seller. To view price records of 3500 shipped out pieces to assess price difference as per various parameters please access the Gemstoneuniverse Blog by clicking here.
Most importantly, we prefer providing the authentic lab certificates to the buyers and promise towards the stone’s originality. Our clients are located all across the world and they frequently prefer online purchases of the gemstones via our online portal. As per the preferences, one can even move to the other online/ offline purchasing mediums as per the choice. Our only advice is to understand buying tips, learn to differentiate between the fake and the original stones and initiate a rand purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please note: These are generic points of academic interest. These can change as per Astrologer’s recommendation/ Astro Gemologists opinion and your birth chart. Please follow your individual specific advice and recommendation sent by email/ in person/ in report. Please do not quote material from this section and ask for opinion again. This is GENERIC information useful to all.
1. How to wear Emerald?
Answer: Emerald gemstone is worn under the lordship of Mercury. The individuals facing adverse effects of Mercury in their horoscope can proceed towards wearing Emerald after consulting the astrologers. The individuals should prefer wearing the gemstone on the little or the ring finger of the working hand. The ring metal should be preferably Gold or Silver, and the wearer should prefer having it on Wednesday at sunrise.
Keep the emerald gemstone ring in a metal bowl, and purify it using Gangajal, raw cow’s milk, honey, and ghee. Keep on reciting the beej mantra of mercury ‘Om Brahm Breem Braum Sah Budhaye Namah’. Pray to lord for blessings and wear the stone with complete belief inside yourself. Better the positivity level effective will be the results after wearing this emerald stone.
2. In which metal should I wear Emerald?
Answer: You should wear an emerald stone on the smallest or the ring finger of your working hand. As per the astrological beliefs, the smallest or the ring finger relates to the mercury part inside the human's palm. In rare cases it can also be worn in the ring finger. Emerald gives good results in both Gold and Silver. Wearing the emerald in these two fingers results positively, and provides the wearer with instant benefits.
3. How to buy Emerald stone?
Answer: Always prefer buying the stones online from the sellers having genuine selling rights. The authentic sellers provide the original emerald stone with a certificate of genuineness. Get the stone tested and verify the originality using the several tips and tricks. Proceed towards checking the originality of emerald and adopt the measures to identify the fake emerald stones.
Never ignore the aspects including the refractive index, carat, origin, specific gravity, and the gemstone’s physical properties like colors. Despite numerous availabilities online, we at gemstoneuniverse.com respect your decision and provide you the best quality emerald. Our rates are the best among the competitors along with the commitment of the highest originality issues.
4. How to check the quality of emerald?
Answer: The original emerald reflects the bluish-green hue in comparison to the fake emerald reflecting the yellowish, or the brownish tone. The original emerald gemstone never sparkles at all with fire. The original emerald’s physical property makes it unique in comparison to the fake ones. Its hardness is measured 7.5 to 8.0 in the Moh’s scale of measurement. The original emerald stones are extremely expensive, and they express their originality based on several factors.
The authentic and certified sellers have access to selling the emerald gemstones. They even provide the certificate of authenticity and originality when demanded from the customer’s end. The customers, however, must verify the mining location of the stone during going through the certificate of purchase.
5. Who should wear Emerald stone?
Answer:Most of us believe that the sun signs matter to wear the emerald stone. However, this is never true for most of the sides. It has also been seen that the individuals other than Gemini, and Virgo, like sun signs can also prefer Emerald gemstone after taking the astrologer’s suggestion. The prime fact is to observe Mercury’s position inside the horoscope of the individuals. The poor mercury never lets individuals get success and fortune. After having the stone with appropriate astrological protocols, every aspect of life turns positive.
Anyone suffering from the adverse effects of Mercury in their horoscope should wear Emerald stone. One must visit the astrologer and ask for the needful suggestions before wearing the emerald. The persons having a lack of concentration and speaking ability, misfortunes, insomnia, facing cheats, and frauds, along with consistent unsuccessful life situations can go with this stone. The person suffering from failures, instability, depression, can also wear the emerald stone and change their lifestyle.
6. What is the benefit of wearing Emerald?
Answer:There are numerous benefits of wearing the Emerald gemstone. However, some of the best benefits are listed below:
• The emerald stone helps in regaining financial stability.
• It helps the students, employees, and business personnel to gain consistent success.
• Emerald stone improves the bond of love between the relationships.
• The young bachelors looking for a suitable match gets tied under the love of knot.
• Emerald stone is supposed to reduce mental stress like situation.
• Pregnant women get benefited from the easier delivery of the child.
• A good relationship is maintained among the marriage partners and the business partners.
• The Emerald stone deals with nervous troubles, and respiratory problems.
• Emerald proves super effective against the deadly poisons.
• The stone helps in bringing back the lost fortune.
• It helps in boosting up the mental strength and concentration abilities.
7. In which finger should we wear Emerald gemstone?
Answer: As per the expert astrologers, Emerald should be worn in the smallest finger or the ring finger of the working hand. This finger is considered most appropriate for the wearer to get the instant benefits of the stone. The wearer starts getting success, enhanced health, increased financial conditions, and improved fortune within the shortest span. One must follow the appropriate regulations before wearing the stone in the ring.
8. How much does emerald cost?
Answer: The costing of the emerald gemstone depends upon several factors including the quality of stone, online/ offline seller, and several others. Despite numerous sellers available online/ offline, we, at gemstoneuniverse.com, commits to providing the best quality emerald gemstones at affordable costing.
The natural Colombian origin emerald having 2.26 carats of weight is available just at $1426.46 / INR 77,399.72. The average price of Columbian origin Emerald starts at Rs. 3500-Rs.4500 per carat and goes around Rs. 50000-Rs.60000 per carat. Depending upon the preferred carat, the price of the stone goes high or low as per the seller.
Visit our website, place your order as per the requirements, and wait to let us deliver the Emerald gemstone at your doorsteps. Make an order and explore the stone’s quality for further orders at your end.
Gemstoneuniverse is the world’s leading authority on Astrological Gemstones and Jyotish Gemstones. To view a treasure chest of 3500+ articles written by Gem Professionals and Astro Gemologists please click here or visit the Gemstoneuniverse Blog.
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