In the Media

The impact of natural gemstones on human life and destiny is a proven fact Right from celebrities, statesmen, entrepreneurs to sportsmen all have used the power of gem therapy to realize their objectives, "Not only does one require a flawless gemstone to get good results but also an accurate analysis of the horoscope to arrive at an accurate gemstone recommendation that brings in tangible results. Recommendations based only on birth sign give average to poor results", says Abhijita Kulshrestha. senior astro-gemmologist with "Modern science validates light and color therapies of which, gemstones form an integral tool. Stephen Hawking, Quantum Physicist and author of A Brief History of Time, states in his seminal work that future development of medicine lies with treatments based on light and colour", she adds. is an organization dedicated to this ancient science of Navratnas and has done pioneering work in this field. For appointments to get your horoscope analysed and gemstone recommendation by world class GIA and PGA certified consultants, please call; 94482 07777, 080-23329789.