Abhijita Kulshrestha
Renowned Scholar Abhijita Kulshrestha is a Vedic Astrologer, Astro Gemologist, NLP Practitioner, Poetess and Life Coach. At present she is the Director, chief Astrologer & Gemologist at www.gemstoneuniverse.com
Abhijita has been featured in Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, Fortune and was Tanishq Woman of the Year. Amongst many awards she has also won the Woman Icon of the year-Gemologist. To know more about her please click here.
Sagittarius/ Dhanu Annual Horoscope 2020 Sagittarius/ Dhanu Annual Forecast 2020

Dear Sagittarius/ Dhanu,
Please note that these horoscopes have been written based on Vedic astrology/ Sidereal astrology and using position of Moon as basis of all calculations and predictions.
To know your moon sign send an email requesting the same including your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth to service[at]gemstoneuniverse[dot]com
The year 2020 dawns bringing the vibration of number ‘4’ with it. The planet Rahu, the North Node of the Moon is signified by number ‘4’ – while there is lots new to be achieved, invented and discovered; new trends may emerge in the society as well – taboos are broken and distinctions are blurred. There may be confusion and flux for a while but these are hallmarks of struggle to find greater meaning to life.
Here is wishing you a more meaningful journey, courage and better outcomes. May you embrace unflinching concerted effort (baahubal), the signature strength of Rahu, its lesser known good quality when this planet works from its higher principle!
2020 Transits for Sagittarius / Dhanu:
Jupiter, the gentle giant stays in the sign of Sagittarius/ Dhanu, in the 1st house, conjunct your natal Moon for most of the year till November 20th 2020 and then moves onwards, staying in the sign of Capricorn / Makar (its sign of debilitation), 2nd to your natal Moon for the next 13months.
Saturn, the grand master of karmic retribution moves into the sign of Capricorn/ Makar, 2nd to your natal Moon on January 24, 2020 starting the last 2and ½ years of your Sade Sati phase, and will remain there for the rest of the year.
Rahu, the North Node of the Moon stays in the sign of Gemini/ Mithun, 7th to your natal Moon for most part of the year and then transits into Taurus/ Vrishabh (its sign of Exaltation), into the 6th house to your natal Moon on September 23rd 2020.
Ketu, the South Node of the Moon stays in the sign of Sagittarius/ Dhanu, 1st house conjunct your natal Moon for most part of the year and transits into Scorpio/ Vrishchika (its sign of exaltation), 12th your natal Moon on September 23rd 2020.
(Note: Rahu and Ketu have retrograde movement)
The period of retrogression for important planets are:
- Jupiter becomes retrograde on May 14th 2020 and then becomes direct on September 13th 2020.
- Saturn becomes retrograde on May 11th 2020 and then becomes direct on September 29th 2020.
The periods for Mercury retrograde in the year 2020 are from:
- February 17th – March 10th
- June 18th – July 12th
- October 14th – November 3rd
Mars will remain retrograde in the year 2020 from:
- September 10th – November 14th
Venus will remain retrograde in the year 2020 from:
- May 13th – June 25th
The year 2020 for Sagittarius/ Dhanu in a nutshell
The year 2020 is likely to bring some relief for the Sagittarius born individuals. The Sade Sati still continues but Saturn moves from the intense overhead position in the ascendant (Janma Shani) into the second house, marking the start of the last phase-the remaining 2 1/2 years of the Sade Sati. Jupiter, now is overhead in the ascendant and this spells slightly better outcomes compared to the last couple of years.
You may be able to deal with your responsibilities in a much better manner. You will need to make definite efforts towards looking after yourself and try to socialise and connect with other people, lest there be a feeling of isolation. This is a period where there could be disappointment because of interpersonal relationships and a feeling of being unsupported by people you thought you could rely on. It is a phase to take charge and build up on your own strengths.
Professional life, business, finance forecast for Sagittarius/ Dhanu 2020
The Sagittarius born individuals continue to be affected by tremendous responsibilities and expectations. There is significant work to be accomplished in little time and you may feel the pressure getting to you. Some of you may find yourselves transferred to a different division or department with its unique brand of challenges-a completely new place that requires swift action and some new learnings on your part. Individuals who are embroiled in an ongoing litigation or owe money in significant amounts are likely to go through anxious times.
Your own ill-health may cause lack of patience and irritability – this could complicate matters. It is best to keep your head down and avoid sparring with seniors/superiors. There may be heartburn because of other people getting preferential treatment. You may resent the fact that the ones who are not so good at their work may be given a promotion or a raise well before your or any other deserving ones do. Too much work and little reward or appreciation could make you think of exploring job opportunities elsewhere.
It is a time not so favourable for money matters. Those out of job or running a weak business could be quite concerned. Please avoid extreme reactions- this phase will not last forever. Things become increasingly better towards the year end as Jupiter moves into your second house helping with financial matters in a big way. Younger people should not get disappointed with difficulties. It is a learning curve and you will do well to keep up your endeavours.
Marriage, Romance and Relationships forecast for Sagittarius/ Dhanu in 2020
The individuals born under the sign of Sagittarius may find that things become better with regard to interpersonal relationships after the month of January. The Sagittarius folk who have already suffered disturbance in their relations or are leading separate lives may have a chance at getting together if there is open communication and you work towards disallowing other people interfering in your equation.
Some of you may be excessively concerned about your reputation in the light of peculiar episodes in the past one year. Problematic equations shared with in-laws may become better and there is ease of life mentally. It is time to work on your core relationships if you value them dearly. Matters related to inheritance, division of assets may continue to create disharmony with members of the extended family. In any case, a settlement with mutual consent is always a better option.
Health forecast for Sagittarius/ Dhanu in 2020
While there is some improvement in health as well as health-related expenditure, you continue to be dogged down by fears about death and longevity of loved ones. Trying to handle too many responsibilities as well as mental monsters all by yourself, may lead to a burnout.
It is best to talk things with a counsellor if it gets too heavy. Problems related to eyesight, prostrate, genitalia and reproductive health issues may bother you. Individuals suffering from chronic illness or psychosomatic issues should be careful.
Visit the Shani mahatma temple every Saturday evening. Charity works and service on Saturdays is good too. Offer water to a peepul tree in the evenings.
The Sagittarius individuals could consider wearing a good natural ruby to get the best out of this time as a part of you Jyotish Gemstones Therapy, if Sun/ Surya happens to be a natural yoga karaka for you. Wearing a good yellow sapphire will bring significant health benefits and help you during the Sade Sati too. Get your suitable detailed personalized gemstone recommendation or a brief personalised gemstone recommendation before you get your powerful talisman!

Abhijita Kulshrestha
Renowned Scholar Abhijita Kulshrestha is a Vedic Astrologer, Astro Gemologist, NLP Practitioner, Poetess and Life Coach. At present she is the Director, chief Astrologer & Gemologist at www.gemstoneuniverse.com
Abhijita has been featured in Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, Fortune and was Tanishq Woman of the Year. Amongst many awards she has also won the Woman Icon of the year-Gemologist. To know more about her please click here.