अंगुलिमाल का रूपांतरण: अंधकार से प्रकाश की यात्रा |
Hindustan Hotline News |
Guruji Shrii Arnav’s ⚛️ 9×12 Way and the Transformative Power of Gemstone Universe |
New York Business Times |
The Los Angeles Feature Man of the Year 2024, The Mentor of Mentors, Who Will Make You Win. |
Los Angeles |
Guruji Shrii Arnav Declared Asian of the Year 2024 at MEBAA Air Show |
Daily Scanner |
Making Complicated things Simple is our Business Ace Astrologer Abhijita Ji debunks the 13th Zodiac Sign |
The Indian Express |
https://www.newsbreak.com/monica-robinson-294982236/3667357679722-guruji-arnav-s-trump-presidency-prediction-astrological-insights |
newsbreak |
प्रतिभा को मंजिल तक पहुंचाना मेरा दायित्व — गुरु जी श्री अर्णव |
Hindustan Hotline News |
Guruji Shrii Arnav Awarded Prestigious International Excellence Award by United Nations Global Peace Council |
Daily Scanner |
The Guru of Gurus Unveils Revolutionary World Economic Blueprint for Financial Survival
Markets Herald |
Is There a Sacred key in the 6000 Crore- The Mother of All Weddings of the Ambani’s- Secret forums abuzz by the 9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way!
Daily Scanner |
विश्व नायक प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी तीसरी बार प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में शपथ- ग्रहण समारोह और वर्तमान युग के सर्वश्रेष्ठ संत श्रद्धेय गुरुजी श्री अर्णव |
Dainik bhaskar |
Guruji Shrii Arnav Celebrates India’s Historic Moment as Mr. Modi Takes Oath as Prime Minister for Third Time |
Daily Scanner |
Prestigious Royal Order of Excellence Award for the Grandmaster of Circling the Square and Squaring the Circle – Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Markets Herald |
Apple WWDC 2024: A Glimpse Into the Future With the Prophet of Hope – Guruji Shrii Arnav |
The Ritz Herald |
"Nine Crucial Questions to Ask Before Marriage - Guruji Shri Arnav's Insightful Foundations" |
9 Must Ask Questions before Marriage- daily scanner front page- Trending |
The Daily Scanner |
The 9 “MUST ASK” before questions to prevent a Doomed Marriage as per the“My Match Up”- The Guruji Shrii Arnav Way- The ULTIMATE Guide to Successful Matchmaking & Horoscope Compatibility |
The Manhattan Herald |
A Life of ATOMIC epic Levels with the ATOMICITY power ring of Guruji Shrii Arnav- The Scientific World Agog at Guruji’s Insight |
The London Daily Post lauds the ATOMICITY Ring- Taking Scientific Debate to the next level |
London Daily Post |
चाहत - भय - और स्वपन - गुरूजी श्री अर्णव के मनन ! |
Yugvani Times |
The Prophet of Hope- Making It to the “ Guardian” list of Humans who make this world a better place- What It Means |
The Guardian |
ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेंट में बौद्धिक आयोजन को नया आयाम देते गुरुजी श्री अर्णव |
Yugvani Times |
The Business Guardian Puts the “ ROMANTIKA” ring on the Front Page |
The Business Guardian |
The Daily Scanner Picks up the first Scoop on the ROMANTIKA Ring- Puts it on Front Page |
The Daily Scanner |
Thought Leaders Making An Impact In The World |
Business TODAY |
Never Before Sacred Revelations of Shri Ram Lalla’s Gems & Jewels by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
दैनिक भारत |
Never Before Sacred Revelations of Shri Ram Lalla’s Gems & Jewels by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Entrepreneur View |
Never Before Sacred Revelations of Shri Ram Lalla’s Gems & Jewels by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Never Before Sacred Revelations of Shri Ram Lalla’s Gems & Jewels by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Never Before Sacred Revelations of Shri Ram Lalla’s Gems & Jewels by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Today Now |
रामलला के आभूषणों का क्या है अंकगणित? आध्यात्मिक गुरु श्रीअर्णव ने समझाया |
TV9 |
श्री राम लला के रत्न और परम श्रद्धेय गुरुजी श्री अर्णव के चिंतन और मनन |
Nav Drishti Times |
The “Prophet of Hope” Shows The Crocodile Way on World Cancer Day to Close The Care Gap |
The Manhattan Herald |
“The Grants Way”: Charter for Excellence in Management & Life |
The Mentor of Mentor Reveals “The Grants Way”- A Charter of Management & Life Excellence |
London Daily Post |
1st MAN To be On The Cover Of Fashion Forward SASSY & Co & About Dreams and what’s one true Value |
Sassy & Co |
Making it to the Cover of Inlife International- What it means to make it IN LIfE |
Inlife International |
The Grandmaster of Squaring the Circle & Circling the SquareGuruji Shrii Arnav |
Forbes |
Inspiring India 2023 Booklet launched, top leaders and celebrities find mention |
Inspiring INDIA 2023 |
Declared in the Movers & Shakers List of 2023 by Star Central |
The Star Central Media Group |
The Cover of Global Millionaire |
The Global Millionaire |
Top TED Talks of 2023 |
TEDx |
Make the World a Better Place - Restoring Ecosystem |
TEDx |
World's Biggest and Most Prestigious Business Publication "FORBES" graces Param Arjan Guruji Shrii Arnav and refers as Affable, Approachable and Invested |
Forbes |
People Who Changed The Narrative | Inspiring India 2023 |
Inspiring INDIA 2023 |
Guruji Shrii Arnav makes it to top 12 male entrepreneurs list of Money Central magazine |
Business News Ledger |
A Dramatic Entry of the 9 Gem Pendant with the Grandmaster at the Bangkok Motor Show 2023 |
The daily Scanner |
Top 10 Iconic Leaders of 2023 |
The Indian EXPRESS |
New Ruby Trade Colour Was Described by the Grandmaster Guruji Shrii Arnav a Decade Back |
The daily Scanner |
Meet the Inspirational Mentor of Mentors - Guruji Shrii Arnav of Gemstoneuniverse at the prestigious Wings India 2022 |
Aviation World |
Abhijita Kulshrestha Astrologer & Life Coach wins Outstanding Women Achiever of the Year award on occasion of International Women's Day 2022 |
New York Today |
Meet Highly Inspirational, Acclaimed Spiritual Guru and Mentor of Mentors - Guruji Shrii Arnav featured on the InLife International cover for January 2022 |
InLife magazine |
Guruji Shrii Arnav - Mover & Shaker of January 2022 for Outstanding Career Moves| Featured by StarCentral Media Group |
Digital Journal |
Astrological Predictions for the Chinese New Year of the Tiger 2022 by the Grandmaster Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Express Digest |
Abhijita Kulshrestha features on Beauty & The Best Magazine cover |
Beauty & The Best |
Meet The Woman Behind The Cover Of The November 2020 Issue Of Global Millionaire: Abhijita Kulshrestha |
Starcentral |
Business News Ledger covers Guruji Shrii Arnav receiving The Jothida Navratna (King of 9 Gems) in International Astrologers Conference |
Business News |
Guruji Shrii Arnav listed Top mentor and thought leader alongside Oprah Winfrey and Dr Phil McGraw |
Newstrail |
Working towards change: Top mentors and thought leaders shaping entrepreneurial understanding |
Newstrail |
The modern Seer Guruji Shrii Arnav predicts the Golden Biden years |
The Daily Scanner news coverage |
Guruji Shrii Arnav’s interview with MoneyCentral Magazine |
MoneyCentral Magazine |
RNI News covers Guruji Shrii Arnav’s International Felicitation |
RNI News |
The Modern Seer-Guruji Shrii Arnav has some sane Spiritual advice to cope with the immediate future |
The Marketing Folks |
Gemstoneuniverse receives Jyotish Gemstones Therapy trademark by Indian Government |
Hindustan Times |
Guruji Shrii Arnav’s mission to help hundreds of thousands of people through Jyotish Gem Therapy |
Bitgog |
Rendezvous with Guruji Shrii Arnav, world-renowned Gemologist and Mystic Astrologer! |
Betterouds |
Guruji Shrii Arnav, noted Gem Therapist helps people find the right path when they are confused about life choices! |
Paxjones |
Astro-gemmologist Guruji Shrii Arnav shares his spiritual and professional odyssey |
Masala |
Life Coach Abhijita Kulshrestha reflects on her career and industry passions |
The Daily Scanner |
Guruji Shrii Arnav has been listed as one of the Top 12 Male entrepreneurs of the Year by Money Central Magazine |
Business News Ledger |
Guruji Shrii Arnav is redefining Planetary Gem Therapy |
Los Angeles Tribune |
His mission is to help hundreds of thousands of people! Meet Guruji Shrii Arnav, Founder of Gemstone Universe |
Bitgog |
An Interview of Guruji Shrii Arnav being recognized as an influencer by Betterauds |
Betterauds |
Guruji Shrii Arnav helps people find the right path when they are confused about life choices! |
Paxjones |
Guruji Shrii Arnav of Gemstonuniverse awarded for Covid Relief Activities & Social Service by Thai Police |
Daily Scanner |
Your Annual Horoscopes 2021 |
Deccan Herald |
Cosmopolitan UK & Gemstoneuniverse collaborate to present Win a Lucky Talisman Contest |
Cosmopolitan UK |
Guruji Shrii Arnav wants to share the sacred science of Jyotish Gemstones |
The Daily Scanner |
New Normal or Flux: 6 Thriving Secrets Staring us in the Face |
Thrive Global |
Gemstoneuniverse awarded acclaimed recognition for ethically mined conflict free Gemstones in times of Crises |
CBS19NEWS/ Streetinsider/Misc |
The Soothing Balm of Self-Compassion |
Thrive Global |
Gemstoneuniverse wins the best Jyotish Gemstones Therapy award at the IEA 2019 |
This Week India |
New Ways to Think About Finding Purpose |
Thrive Global |
In Quest of India’s Best Gemstone Astrologer |
Millennium Post |
Unfaithfully Yours- Is India Out of Love |
Are You On a Social Media ‘Leash’? |
Thrive Global |
What’s the Difference in Duty and Dharma? A Poet-Astrologer Weighs In |
eShe |
The World's Best Bling: 21 Amazing Jewels (Part 1) |
HuffPost |
Star Struck |
Issuu |
Tender Notes: Making a Case for Senior Women |
Thrive Global |
Family Riddles: Of Relationships that Teach |
Thrive Global |
Chasing the Musk Deer Called Happiness |
Thrive Global |
Will the real gemstone stand up? |
Deccan Herald |
For Better with Verse |
Thrive Global |
Your Annual Horoscope 2019 by Guruji Shrii Arnav |
Deccan Herald |
Unveiling 'The Secret of Jyotish Gems |
Millenniumpost |
A New Approach to the future |
The Pioneer |
For the Taste of Freshness |
The Pioneer |
Ambrosia Sides | A Taste Of Poetic Freshness |
Millenniumpost |
Importance Of Gemstones |
Business World |
11 Things to Consider Before Turning Entrepreneur |
Entrepreneur |
Fine Coloured Gemstones And Indian Economy In 2017 |
Business World |
Your Annual Horoscopes 2017 |
Deccan Herald |
Back To The Beginning... |
DH Living |
Healing Gemstones |
Bengaluru Chronicle |
Therapeutic Gems And Its Healing Prowess |
Mind & Body |
Things To Keep In Mind Before Investing In Gemstones |
Entrepreneur India |
Be Your Own Boss: Top Tips for Bootstrapped Ventures |
Entrepreneur India |
The Crystal Gazer |
Femina |
Gem of a Woman |
Deccan Herald |
5 Life Lessons From Water |
http://www.huffingtonpost.in/ |
How gemstones can help you find the love of your life |
http://www.thehealthsite.com/ |
Feed your spirit |
The New Indian Express |
Abhijita Kulshreshtha solves problems, saves lives and wows with her magnetic mysticism ... |
http://her.yourstory.com/ |
Future Gazing 2014 |
Times of India |
A gem of a Woman |
The Hindu |
Gemstone Boutique in Bangalore |
Prajavani |
Pearls of Wisdom |
Bangalore Mirror |
A Gem of a Profession |
Times of India |
Premium Planetary Gemstone Brand featured in Jetwings Domestic September 2013 |
Jetwings - Domestic Edition |
Gemstoneuniverse featured in the Retail Jeweler Magazine |
The Retail Jeweller |
Re-do your Karma with Planetary Gems |
Jetwings - International Edition |
Gemstones for harmony in relationships |
Times of India |
Vedic Astrology,Planetary Gems and Acquisition of Property |
Times of India |
The Colour of Money |
Fortune India |
Jyotish Gems Change Karmic Life Map |
Times of India |
Power of Navratna |
Times of India |
The Power of an Amethyst |
Times of India |
Career Growth and Jyotish Gemstones |
Times of India |
Bring in Change with Power of Jyotish Gems |
Times of India |
Magic with Gem Therapy |
Times of India |
To the discerning investor, stones aren't dead weight |
BangaloreMirror.com |
Who said you can profess your love with only Diamonds |
Lookbangalore.com |
Gems that change your life |
DNA e-Paper |
Launch of the World's Single Largest Facility for Planetary Gemstones |
Times of India, Wall Street, misc. |
Leading Precious Gemstones Retailer Now Offering Planetary Gemstones at a Fraction of the Cost |
BizJournal |
Meet a New Age Vedic Guru |
Deccan Herald |
Demystifying the Vedas |
The Times of India |
The Power of magnetism |
Deccan Herald |
Fear of Friday the 13th is quite irrational |
The Times of India |
Coming to heal |
India Today |
Can a piece of stone change one's fortune |
Mangalore Express |
Celestial Solutions |
Deccan Cronicle |
Are you wearing the right gemstone? |
The Times of India |
Gems for luck |
Deccan Herald |
Guruji Shrii Arnav on the International Planetary Gemologists Association |
www.p-g-a.org |
Guruji Shrii Arnav on Healer Soul - Development of Human Magnetism |
www.healersoul.org |
Guruji Shrii Arnav writes your monthly horoscope |
www.astromandir.com |
Guruji Shrii Arnav Yearly Horoscope in Deccan Herald Newspaper |
Deccan Herald |
Guruji Shrii Arnav Weekly Horoscope in Deccan Herald Newspaper |
Deccan Herald |