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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
 Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
In Quest of India’s Best Gemstone Astrologer.
Tell me My Best Life Changing Gemstone
Which is the Most powerful Gemstone for Luck? Is it the Blue Sapphire or the Ruby or the Green emerald? Which Single Gemstone Can Transform your Destiny Today?
There might be few of us who are good at education or work but because of luck, we fail to achieve few steps. How much ever hard work we go through, a small favour of luck would make it a little easier step to achieve that particular goal you dream of.
Destiny Vs Freewill- Is there a Choice
Here is a list of gemstones that are really powerful to bring in luck
Pearl- the beauty queen!
Real Pearls from Lot Vaibhavi for Astrological Powers of the MoonIt is known for its purity and lustre. The Energy of the Natural Pearl is associated with the Planet Moon.
The Indian mythology believes pearl brings in prosperity and good luck. It brings in confidence, love, harmony to the wearer. It really helps in improving once health also. Highly benefic for those who wanted to gain imaginative and intuitive powers. Pearls are not just the problem solver. It helps to protect from evil spirits. Improve financial crisis and brings in fortune.
It is an excellent gemstone in mind related disorders and special positions of moon in the chart.
Real Natural Pearls are very rare and if suitable in the horoscope are very powerful gemstones and bring in immense amount of good fortune and glad tidings.
Ruby- the Gem of Kings.
Fine Unheated Mozambique Rubies from the Gemstoneuniverse Collection of Fine GemstonesOne of the costliest gems. Ruby with the beaming red of cosmic rays simply bestows great honor and social esteem. It helps to free from evil spirits, bone related problems, headaches etc.
There are very few people who don’t manage to fall in love with the alluring fiery red of the Ruby. It is one of the most fashionable gemstone ever.
Those who are facing uncertain problems like jealousy, disputes between mates or obstacles at work, Ruby helps them tide over these uncomfortable situations and  helps to face to face them confidently. Ruby is highly effective for those who are involved with administrative works, political, executives etc.
Yellow Sapphire-The Grace of the Guru.
Unheated Yellow Sapphires from the Gemstoneuniverse CollectionThe Yellow Sapphire is a beautiful yellowish transparent gem of the Corundum family. It is an expensive gemstone but worth investing. It is extremely good for financially prosperity and comfort especially for those involved in business.
It is very powerful when crafted in Gold and worn along with the Natural Pearl if suitable in the Birth chart. Yellow Sapphire works really well for those born under the sign of Sagittarius and Pisces the signs owned by the preceptor of the Gods- Jupiter.
Yellow Sapphire gemstone pours in happiness, prosperity, good health, long life and protects during travel.
- White Sapphire- The Aura of Style
The White Sapphire is an all-rounder gem blessed with the powers of Venus the planet that represents Luxury and Beauty. It brings in luck, happiness, and health. The wearer will gradually be uplifted from the problems he or she handling through the usual days. It helps to enhance wisdom, confidence in dealing with most situations that encounter.
Emerald- Heavenly Fertility and Blessed Creation
Fine Colombian Emeralds from the Gemstoneuniverse CollectionThe Verdant green gemstone is the perfect controller of nerve-related diseases.
One of the most ideal gemstones to bring in luck for those who go through bad times, weak IQ, losses in business.
Individuals dealing with scientific instruments and writers will be able to flourish their intellectual brilliance really well.
Blue Sapphire- Determined Brilliance. The Most Feared and Respected Gemstone of the Task Master- Lord Saturn is the most revered Gemstone. The Gemstone of Legends and creators of maximum myths.
If it suits the individual it banishes misfortunes, gives new opportunities, opens news doors to good fortunes, gives the knack of being at the right place at the right time and protects from enemy and competition. It is of utmost importance, the Blue Sapphire be Sattvik (of utmost purity) and Free from any flaws as mentioned in the sacred texts. Undoubtedly it is right up there in the competition to be the most powerful gemstone for luck and destiny.
Red Coral- Courage and Vitality. The Red Coral is the Gemstone of Mars and is a very powerful and effective gemstone. Mars by its own nature is courageous, valorous, risk taker, initiative taker and gives the power of determination and decision making.
It is an excellent gemstone for those who have a tendency to procrastinate or have hidden or unknown fears besides having excellent curative effects on blood related disorders. Its boosts the immune system and gives protection leading to a strong aura.
Don’t lose heart next time when you are faced with obstacles. Try out any of these gems that match for horoscope after a detailed consultation. The debate for the most powerful Gemstone in the world will continue till the world continues. There is no one single answer to the question which is the most powerful Gemstone for Luck? It depends on Individual to Individual, Gemstone to Gemstone and planetary position.
For Many even Upratnas such as red Garnet and Heliodor have made powerful Impact. Once such case is of Varun Rajput who is a Senior Practising Physiotherapist at Manipal Hospital Bangalore. Hear what he has to say:
Remember that you buy real Gemstones and not stones. Jyotish Gemstones by their nature are at the apex of the Gem pyramid and they require expertise in selection and recommendation and hence they are empowered to give the choicest planetary results. Every Single Navaratna and its Uparatna is unique and powerful.
Gemstoneuniverse Announces two New Lots of Blue Sapphire and Red Coral for Its Patrons. Important Features of these Lots are
Natural Blue Sapphire Lot | Natural Red Coral Lot |
Lot Name: Sarvesh- The God of Gods | Lot Name: Bhakti: Devotion |
All Natural Unheated Blue Sapphires | All Natural Organic Red Coral certified by Raman Spectroscopy |
Mined in the Famed Ratnapura Mines in Sri Lanka and Legendary Burma( Yes there are just 5 of them for the connoisseurs) | From the Southern Coast of Sardinia/ Italy-Mediterranean Sea |
Colour- Beautiful and Appealing Sky Blue to Electric Blue | Colour- Deep Luxurious Red to a Ruddy Robust Reddish Orange |
Exceptional Clarity of 90% and above which is rare in natural and unheated Sapphires | Top quality blemish free shiny surface with flawless mirror finish. Free from any dye, resin or epoxy |
Price- Unbelievable. This Lot shows our commitment to Planetary Gem Therapy. This will enable you to own you own true Jyotish Gem | Price- Unbelievable. This Lot shows our commitment to Planetary Gem Therapy. This will enable you to own you own true Jyotish Gem |
Video Featured Above | Video Featured above |
Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology.
Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus-Pleasing to God and to Men
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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?