ARTICLES: Help us Keep Vedic Astrology Gemstone Therapy Scamsters Free | The Gemstoneuniverse

Help us Keep Vedic Astrology Gemstone Therapy Scamsters Free | The Gemstoneuniverse

Scam Alert- Blatant Violations of Copyrights!


As with all else, there is the flipside of being on the World Wide Web and being the best at what you do, and that is the blatant disregard of ownership of / rights to content. Gemstoneuniverse provides patrons with not only top of the line products and services but also provides in-depth knowledge about everything that falls in the ambit of gem therapy and planetary gemology.

However it has come to our notice that there are sites such http://

, who have unscrupulously copied entire pages – copyrighted content, picture and what have you to their site. We would like you to know that gemstone universe operates out of the singular office premises at Bangalore in India. No other website/ person/ agent/ franchisee has the authorization or the rights to sell products using our name or on behalf of Gemstone Universe.


We shall not be responsible for any dealing made by people with such fraudulent parties. We request you to exercise caution and to let us know if you come across any such site/ individual, so that they can be brought to book. Gemstone Universe will take legal action against such violations.

It is a request to you dear patrons to help us fight such unethical elements. Knowledge of sacred Gemology is available to only a select few and application of it is even rarer. Do let us know if you find our content copied by others. This will go in a long way towards helping planetary gemology and keep unethical people for cheating others and more importantly prevent unethical people with no knowledge from hurting others.

Issued in Public Interest!

Updates on such scamsters will keep appearing here with date tags and notes:

23rd April 2011

A gracious patron sent a link to another website which has copied our content. No contact details given on the website except for a online contact form:

Thank You dear Patron you have been an awesome resource for us and millions of others.

Update 29 th June 2011

Today we received a link that goes a bit further than just a blatant violation of copyrights. Look at the blog link of an individual who goes by the Name Rishi Goldsmith:

This blog copies Guruji Shrii Arnav’s defining work Do Gems work- No they don’t for 90% of the people. A classic piece of work that has touched countless lives in a positive manner and led to profound changes in the lives of the people worldwide!

Leave alone the fact that he does not mention that this work does not belong to him he has put it as its own , he is happy go lucky in making Gem recommendations?

No it’s not weird or distasteful. It makes one shudder to think that what kind of Gem recommendation this individual would actually be churning out with borrowed information with the only contribution being a paste job.

The horror stories wherein Gems lead to medical conditions happen because of such distasteful things. Put your own life at risk but not the lives of others.

Be careful of such characters. They are abundant.

Thank You gracious patron!. You are a light worker!


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